Male banker sitting at a table with a male and female customer

Share Drafts/Checks

Vertifi’s share draft/check processing service offers a cost-effective and efficient way to manage your customers’ share draft/check activities. This service enhances efficiency, improves cash flow, and reduces administrative burdens for financial institutions.

Key Features

Key Features:

  • Efficient Processing: ICL files can be sent multiple times daily to Vertifi via a secure portal where duplicate detection and clearing are handled.
  • Simplified Adjustment Handling for Vertifi clients and Settlement and Adjustment Handling for EasCorp member credit unions
  • Easy Return Handling: Returned deposit items can be viewed on our secure portal and redeposits and requests for IRDs can be performed with one click

Featured Service

Man signing a check to hand off to a bank teller

Branch Capture

Our Branch Capture service streamlines check processing for financial institutions by enabling the scanning of checks received at branches or through the mail and transmitting them for collection.